Posted on
January 7, 2012
Norm Fisher, Royal Saskatoon Real Estate
Residents of Saskatoon’s
Montgomery Place area are rattled at the thought of apartment buildings in their area, one of the few neighbourhoods in the city that is comprised entirely of single-family dwellings.
North Ridge Developments, which owns an 18 acre parcel on 11th Street East is seeking approval to build three four-storey rental apartments with a total of 192 units on five acres of that land. The remaining 13 acres could be developed if an appropriate level of demand exists. The current bylaw allows for this type of construction, and has since 1979, but a designation added in the ‘90’s requires developers to show that the existing infrastructure is adequate to accommodate new development. Residents of the area feel that a potential doubling of the population in the historic area would lead to traffic congestion and over-populated schools.
Montgomery residents seem to be feeling a bit “under siege,” according to a recent story in the Star Phoenix. Other recent concerns include a proposed 120-metre wind turbine which would be erected at the landfill, the development of Circle Drive South, and the plan to relocate the city yards and the public transit headquarters, all of which will be adjacent to the area.
I’m always happy to answer your Saskatoon real estate questions. All of my contact info is here. Please feel free to call of email me.
Norm Fisher
Royal LePage Vidorra
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