Dear Norm,
"The legislation needed to move forward with two of the biggest private developments in the province, both slated for downtown Saskatoon, was passed this week."
Star Phoenix, May 02 2009
We have very exciting news! We are now offering the Residences at River Landing Village for sale! For those of you that have reserved a unit, this is your opportunity to make that unit yours with a 10% deposit. If you have not reserved a unit we encourage you to visit our sales centre, as we have many great suites still available. Please call Richard or Gail at (306) 683-4350 to make an appointment.
As you may know, we have experienced delays due to the current land titles act. As you can see in the quote above from the Star Phoenix, we have overcome these issues. In simple terms, the Government is going to allow multiple strata's (owners and users) on a single title (parcel of land). We are very excited about this progress, and we will begin construction as soon as these changes are complete.
We hope to hear from you soon and encourage you to visit us, as suites are selling quickly!
Lake Placid River Landing
The River Landing Village website is here.
I’m always happy to answer your Saskatoon real estate questions. All of my contact info is here. Please feel free to call or email.
Follow our daily updates on Twitter @Norm_Fisher.
Norm Fisher
Royal LePage Vidorra
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