Real estate agents often take the position that "price is everything" when marketing a home for sale.
Price is important, but it's not everything. It's not even the most important thing.
In this short video, I discuss three other key variables that a seller has direct or indirect control over when they're ready to sell their home.
Place your focus on those items first. If they're pulled off well, they will support a higher asking and selling price.
I mean, who couldn't use some extra tax-free cash?
Real estate agents often take the position with a home-seller that price is everything, and everything boils down to your price. It should be your first consideration.
And price is important, there's no doubt about that. You can't get 400,000 dollars for something that's worth 300,000.
But it's not the only thing, and it's probably not the first thing, that a seller should be thinking about.
There are really four things that you have control over when you market your property for sale.
First, the amount of preparation that goes into getting it ready for the market. A little bit of paint, some cleaning, some decluttering, that kind of thing.
Secondly, the presentation of the property to the market. You know, is it professionally done, with professional photos, and other tools that are useful today?
Thirdly, promotion. How well exposed is this property to the general market? That's a huge thing today.
And then, finally, the price. If those first three items are executed professionally and well, they will support a higher price. And, conversely, if you don't put any effort into preparing the home for sale, it's poorly presented to the market, and nobody knows it's for sale, you certainly can't expect to get a peak price.
So, focus on the first three items first. Those will support a higher price.
And your price basically becomes the final lever to get a sale.
If you've prepared the house properly, if it's presented beautifully, if the market's well aware that it's for sale, and it's not selling, then, and only then, is it time to adjust the price.
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I’m always happy to answer your Saskatoon real estate questions. Reach out by voice or text at 306-241-6676 or email me at norm at
Norm Fisher
Royal LePage Vidorra
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